Happy Holidays!


This time of year requires a lot of attention in a lot of different areas of life, especially your home. My wish for you is that your living space has great energy flow and is a sacred, inspirational sanctuary for you and your loved ones.

Take some time now before the hustle and bustle to be intentional about the most used areas of your home, so you can create a streamlined system and gorgeous aesthetic for even the busiest of days. Here are some quick tips to enhance your life experience through your home + belongings:


Cultivate good energy flow by decluttering + donating what you no longer want, need, love or use. There will simply be MORE going on this time of year, so simplifying and removing excess will calm your mind. Perhaps there is a toy drive or homeless shelter you can bless with items that aren't serving you anymore. 


Clean high traffic areas like the entrance and kitchen, where you spend the most time in. The tidiness will give you motivation to keep other areas clean and allow you to utilize any systems you create better or enjoy the decor you put out to the fullest extent. Plus, in Feng Shui, cleaning is symbolic of how much you respect your stuff and environment, which increases positive energy and mood. 


Gift yourself more ease through better systems of your daily or holiday tasks. What part of your routine or your home is challenging? See what is not working and find a solution (like on Pinterest.com) that makes the task either shorter or more enjoyable. Think wrapping station, big tray or basket for extra food for gatherings, make room in the coat closet for guests, categorize your refrigerator or purchase organizing products for storing holiday decor (like a Christmas light organizer).


This tends to be the easiest part during the holidays but challenge yourself to create beauty that truly lights you up, instead of the basic or outdated decor you've always used. Maybe your family can color something festive, frame it or outline with colored construction paper then hang it on a string. What about switching to a whole different style of holiday decor, especially if you have recently transitioned into a new home or with new people. Even putting out a photo of someone that has passed who really made a positive impact on your past holiday moments to remember them.

Feel free to post these tips on social media (and tag me!) if they inspired you. And write me back if you want to share something personally, have a specific question or want to get in on one of my limited bookings for the remainder of the year. I love supporting you