Overcoming Your Inner Critic For Good

You know the feeling: dreaded epic sadness that washes over your whole body, pulling you into a shame spiral that inevitably drives you to complete isolation or destructive behavior. This is the nagging voice that keeps you playing small in life. It is the unwelcome murmur that’s telling you you’re not good enough, she did it better or you don’t deserve that. 

Putting childhood correlation aside, the inner critic bully is real in our lives, so why doesn’t anyone talk about how to handle her? Well, darling, I am here to inspire you by doing just that. 


Based on biased judgement and feeding off fear and guilt, the bully is completely ego driven. The bully shows up, guns blazing, as people pleasing, comparisonitis and limiting beliefs, telling you that you’re fat or you didn’t do a good job. It’s a low vibration energy and it is rampant in our society today.


What if I could tell you a trick that helps you combat this bully in real time, allowing more possibility and success to come through you, in a way that is aligned with your natural abilities as a woman? Would you like that? Don’t skip to the end, stay with me.

It’s a psychological fact that we actually choose all of our own thoughts, emotions, mindset and beliefs - and in that order. Some of the most common issues we face in America are the busyness trap, the overconsumption and the numbing distractions that we all succumb to at some point. This kind of lifestyle puts us on autopilot, easily allowing our actions to be guided by the first thing we see or hear. In other words, it keeps us in our ego and out of our body. When we we let ourselves go on autopilot, as humans, we will naturally choose to feed and follow the fear as a perceived safety mechanism of protection. 

To overcome this bully, we need to become conscious enough to direct our energy, choosing faith over fear, acknowledging our concerns by getting crystal clear and not accepting things just the way they are. If you are on board for that statement, you are ready to overcome the bully!


This is really about how we can believe or trust in our capabilities to handle, accomplish or be what we want and feel SAFE. The bully keeps you stuck in that low vibration as I mentioned earlier, so the answer then is to somehow move that vibration up. Luckily, we, as women, have natural talents in the form of what I call feminine power principles such as nurturing, receptivity, flow, playfulness, surrender, intuition, love and more importantly, compassion. These help up harness our courage and power in the most easy and authentic way. When we are able to tap into compassion for ourselves and for our little girl who still lives inside us and just didn’t know better, as well as remember we absolutely did the best we can, we have opened up space to forgive, which opens up a whole plethora of high vibe opportunities. 


I believe compassion cures everything.


It’s important to add that this process of handling our inner critic is also not about ignoring the bully, cutting them off or denying them, but by acknowledgement and shining light for healing to be available. 


In order to choose compassion, we still have to be moved into this action. What I know is that the only thing that truly motivates people through pain and pleasure are their values. Values are the single most important part of success and happiness, in my opinion, and an integral part of handling the bully. We may want to choose compassion but we can still be fearful at the same time. Usually any conflict, concern or critical voice means our needs and values are not being met or experienced. Getting to know your values will help you know where to lead your voice, thoughts, beliefs and actions. 

As an example, if a woman named Kate greatly valued freedom and her bully was saying “you are never going to make it in your career. You’ll always be stuck in this dead end job”, chances are she is just scared as hell that she’ll never have that joy to express how she wants to in her work. Maybe she doesn’t believe she can achieve financial abundance or have what it takes to find a better job. The core of her desire is that she craves freedom. This inner critic bully is showing up to remind her that it seems absent in her life at the moment and the only way to get it is to try something new, something she has never tried to do before. That fear stems from uncertainty, which can be paralyzing, yes, but totally capable of dissolving when she can get her sense of freedom in some way. She could go to the beach at lunch or spontaneously go on a girls getaway or start a freedom gratitude journal - all to enliven her sense of freedom that exists in her life now. From THIS place, the inner critic has nothing to say. The bully now knows it’s possible.


So, my point here is that the bully is here to protect you because you somehow think you can’t easily have what you want, but you now know better. The way to silence your inner critic for good is to own your values, take imperfect action that feels right, ideally using your feminine nature through compassion and open up your perspective to assure yourself that you are capable and deserving. 


The next time you notice this bully pop up in your life, I encourage you to ask yourself this question: How can you use your feminine power to calm the critic and create the confidence to experience what you value most in the moment?


I'd also love to you from you NOW, what is YOUR inner critic saying to you? 

Cultivating SAFETY So You Can Feel Powerful

Happy 4th of July!!!!

I am vibing high this past week and super amped up about what is to come during the rest of my year. WEEEE!! So, of course, as the embodied Muse goddess, I am here to inspire you from this place of joy!  (+ special invitation for you below)

Part of the in-flow, in-sync and in-alignment feelings I've been having are also contributed to the Mars retrograde that just ended, and Mars is now direct! Mars, who rules Tuesdays, is in charge of all things action oriented and masculine-type energy. So, lots of newfound energy should be surfacing!

What I've noticed this week is that my integration of the masculine and feminine energies, what I teach, has truly evolved and deepened over the past year. It's beautiful to look back on and see the evolution. I saw where I kept falling short, where I always leaned back into old patterns and where I didn't allow myself to shine. Now I see myself embracing the doing again because I know how to balance. Notice I didn't say I am always balanced, I said I know how to balance. What a different, amiright? 

Part of that balance and the evolution that I, as well as many of my fellow sisters and colleagues have experienced, is the cultivation of safety. 

You see, our dedication to doing is an imbalance when we are chasing the award or the badge of honor (which could in some cases BE all the doing to get there). But when our doing, the action steps, are in alignment with our truth, in service to our future, in balance with our feminine power and feels EXCITING, it's integrated and it makes us whole. But I also understand that getting to the place of the latter can be confusing, which is where safety comes in again. 

When we are focusing + relying on things outside ourselves (the busy schedule, blaming other people for our problems, all the bad stuff that happens to us or the job description), there is no way we can feel safe. When we don't feel safe, we cannot be vulnerable nor do we want to practice new habits (because they are too scary). When we feel safe, we allow ourselves to be seen, we can SHINE, we can lead, we can do things we never thought we could! We can create something new. That is power. 

Watch my recent video on cultivating safety so you can have that power you dream of. I also talk about why your inner REBEL shows up and what to do about it. 


Please share what you loved about this information and what it has inspired you to do.

Embracing Embodiment with Ava Adinolfi

Earlier this year, I was interviewed by miss Ava Adinolfi, who is my dear sister and client for her Embracing Embodiment series. It was such a fun interview as Ava is a playful and powerful leader in her field, blending coaching and dance!

She was so generous to let me share the recording with you all today. I wanted to share it because we touch on a lot of pieces that have been swirling in my own life recently and of course in my recent blogs. 

We talk about the importance of values, having a sacred space, practice, beauty, rituals and self care. But one of the biggest things that rings true for those that I've been talking to recently (my sisters, colleagues and clients) is the connection between compassion and judgement

So many times do we want to feel better, to do better, to be more successful, to have this dream, to be powerful and feel confident in who we are....but we often end up blocking the evolution with our judgement of the process. 

I've touched on this before, and I'm mentioning this again to inspire once more. Judging the timing, the turnout or the feeling in any way won't serve our evolution. Labeling something as "bad" is a red flag, so be on the look out!

I just heard from a friend today that she just cancelled her participation in a group that she recently signed up for, which was a conscious all in YES in the beginning. She only attended one group class and after that she made her decision to cancel and it felt amazing when she did. While she was sharing, I put myself in that same situation and thought "I would totally have judged and second guessed myself in that decision. I would have questioned if I was in my truth since apparently it didn't work out"

Who's to say it didn't work out, that the timeframe is bad or that our decisions were wrong? What if that ONE class was all she needed to learn an important lesson (which is was)? What if that 2nd decision of cancelling made her feel more aligned, connected to herself and be more confident in her actions (which it did)? 

In this interview, we touch on the concept of compassion and how it is what will bring you out of the judgement zone and allow you to discern the situation without a charge around it. It's important to release any kind of judgement because everything that happens to us is actually in service to our embodiment. 

Check out the interview below, it's only 28 minutes. When you're done, please share what you found most valuable in the comments below.

It helps everyone to hear what others are going through and what inspired them.

How to Increase The Pleasure in Your Life

Let’s continue with the inner Queen theme from the past few weeks, as I’m focusing on this in my own life and in the sisterhood group I lead. One of the biggest aspects of a Queen’s life is pleasure. Everything she does is revolved around it from the most lavish ceremony like a coronation to the most mundane ritual like bathing. It is through connecting to this way of being that we can begin to remember one of our biggest superpowers as women, the ability to feel

What do you think of when you think of pleasure? I know what you’re thinking and it’s much more than sexual.

Pleasure, to me, is simply pleasing the senses. Pleasure is luxury, when something is so beautiful that you can’t help but cherish it. Pleasure is the quality of life you experience in so many ways. Whatever lights you up and makes you feel good on any level is pleasure. 

When we start to experience more pleasure in our life, we actually become more relaxed, powerful, in flow, aligned, magnetic, confident, worthy, capable and deserving because our nervous system comes into balance. Your life will become way more meaningful and exciting when you indulge in pleasure often. This is the basis of self care! 

Pleasure can be found anywhere and at any time, not just in the bedroom. What I see most often, though, through myself and my clients, is we often forget we have access to pleasure, that we may not deserve pleasure or that we are only looking for extravagant ways to have it. Intellectually, we may know this is not true and that we totally deserve all of this. However, it’s quite another thing to embody this belief and truly cultivate pleasure often. 

Pleasure only exists in the present

So, get out of the future, stop worrying, forget about the past and bring yourself back into the now! The way to start embodying it is simply to choose pleasure in every moment instead of waiting for it to happen to you. 

Still not sure how to experience pleasure in every moment? I get it, sometimes it’s easier said than done coming into the present moment. That’s why I want to share one really simple technique to give you a way to playfully bring yourself into the present.

Seduce your senses

Become aware of all of your senses and how you can experience these gifts even more. Sometimes we are so numb to our senses or even take them for granted, am I right? So let this be a reminder for you to get back into the swing of your senses so you can make your life WAY more enjoyable! Here is a way for you to tap into more pleasure in your life:

 Make a list of all that you enjoy with your senses. Ask yourself these questions in your journal:

  • What do I LOVE to feel?
  • What do I LOVE to see?
  • What do I LOVE to hear?
  • What do I LOVE to taste?
  • What do I LOVE to smell?

Then, make it happen! Look for ways to bring your specific examples into your life or even recognize that they exist already. 




What will you start to indulge in more of?  Email me back!

Classical Feng Shui + Chinese Astrology with Janet Louie

One of my favorite things as a business owner is collaborations. I love having the freedom to choose who I work and collaborate with, so I'm super passionate about showcasing other entrepreneurs that compliment my work. Today, check out the interview with my colleague, Janet Louie. It's my intention that you learn something new today and are inspired by all the information that is presented to you (I was!).

Janet Louie owns Golden Phoenix Feng Shui and is a certified Classical Feng Shui Consultant who works with the Chinese metaphysics, modern day practices to help her clients improve their luck, prosperity and health. I was fascinated by all the different aspects of her business from Ba Zi to EMF testing and so I interviewed her so she can tell you all about it too! 

In This interview, you will discover what Classical Feng Shui is and what all these unique services are in case this is something you want to further explore. 

Janet is also giving us some takeaway tips! Listen in to learn about the annual flying stars of 2016, the year of the fire monkey and where the best place is to put your desk or bed. She also tells us what industry will prosper this year, based on Chinese astrology. Plus, a few more goodies that I promise you have never heard of and will be so intrigued by.



After you have watched, please share what you found most valuable from the interview in the comments below!

How To Set Boundaries Like a Queen

Do you find it hard to set boundaries for yourself?
Do boundaries seem a bit elusive or even completely foreign to you?
Do you struggle with having the confidence to stand up for yourself?

We all have heard how important boundaries are, but I find that most women avoid boundaries because they think it will KEEP them from getting closer to others or it will mean they have to give up being the generous care-taker they like to be. What happens is that they sacrifice themselves for the good of the cause or someone else that may be more deserving. 

Can you relate? I sure can! I spent most of my life living as a people pleaser, over-giver and target of people taking more from me than I was comfortable with...and then wondered why I wasn't happy. I had NO boundaries at all, and in fact, I thought boundaries were mean. So, I kept getting let down, hurt, taken advantage of and frustrated. It was an unsustainable cycle of emotional destruction. 

But over the years I came to realize the ONE thing that could save me from all of this inner turmoil: boundaries! It was an interesting & challenging discovery for me and I want to share my secrets with you that will make a HUGE positive impact on your life, your confidence, your business growth, your relationships, your health and your happiness..basically ALL areas of your life!

Babes, it's time to skill up by setting boundaries!

I just hosted a free training call on this topic and I want to share that with you and include the bullet points of what I mentioned in the call. However, the call is much more lush and dynamic with live interaction so I highly suggest you make some time and listen to the whole entire thing (almost an hour and a half) because you NEED this information, darling, and I'm just sharing a quick overview here (although still helpful, I hope).


To set boundaries, you first have to have high self worth and know yourself really well. You must know yourself because how can you protect yourself without knowing yourself? Boundaries are helpful when they protect your most sacred parts of yourself but still allow room for connection and vulnerability. So, a big part of boundaries is remembering who we are and what we truly value so we know how to protect those best. 

Boundaries are also not demands we make out of superiority or hold blame for another person in any way. They give others a choice and a chance to connect with us, learn from us and show up in their most powerful potential. By not setting boundaries, we deny others the chance to show up in their best light. When we don't set them we allow ourselves to get taken advantage of and feel resentful, hurt, unloved, manipulated or triggered. It's also a form of avoiding ourselves and our truth when we don't set them. 

By setting boundaries, we increase our quality of life, enhance our relationships, increase our self worth, increase our confidence and feel more safe in our body and being so we can shine bigger and brighter. 


The Queen

This archetype (and I share what this means in the call) helps you find your inner authority and power to create your life authentically and set boundaries with ease. She has the essence of a grounded and gracious woman who is courageous and confident in everything she does. More about the Queen and why I love her in the call. Use this archetype to embody her essence when setting boundaries.



How to set boundaries like a Queen


Identify Your Needs

Again, you can't protect what you don't know you are protecting and usually when we feel negative from a situation or person it's because we are not getting a need met in some way. We usually don't know we need boundaries until they are crossed. What do you really need? (more details and specific questions to ask yourself in the video).

Manage Your Energy

When you come from a Queenlike energetic space, you will be naturally magnetic and respectful, which helps enlist the other person into your needs and creates a harmonious interaction. As soon as you lose it, get angry, start yelling, argue or try to convince someone they are wrong, you lose your power. It's then time to get back into your body and that calm energy.

Use Constructive Language

Make sure everything you say is in ownership of your actions and feelings. "i" statements are really helpful in setting boundaries that are clear and non-judgey so no one will be defensive. 

Clarify Consequences

You have to be willing to take action if someone crosses your boundary or tell them what will happen, not tell someone else to do something. What will happen if they do?


Next Steps

  • Set aside time to really watch this recording, I think you will find it fascinating and truly eye-opening. At the end, I live-laser-coach one woman who needs some support around boundaries and the clarity and results that come from it are super helpful for both her and all the listeners. 
  • Dedicate more time to dig deeper and journal on these 4 phases of boundary setting for different situations in your life, like family, business or relationships so you know where you might be falling short. Take the time to dive into this asap because boundaries are easier when set in the beginning or in preparation instead of in the moment. 
  • Finally, see where you need support to truly harness your self worth and begin to set boundaries from an empowered, authentic and easy place. None of us can do it alone, so find and ask for the support you need to help you.


If you would like to explore ways that I can support you in this, as I help many clients become successful in moving through self doubt, being stuck, disconnected and disempowered, you can schedule a complimentary 45-minute Inspiration Session here.

I would absolutely love to able to support you one on one in this way. If you schedule time with me, we will uncover what you specifically need to focus on and how you can begin now, and of course ways for us to continue working together if it is a right fit. 

There are only a few spots left in my roster for the spring/summer, so if this feels exciting and enticing (even if it sounds scary or uncertain) I invite you to schedule your free session with me now. I believe in the power of a courageous YES, that can only be FELT in the body. Right now, I am looking for those courageous women who are ALL IN for creating their life of deep connection, success and feminine flow. 



What was most valuable for you from this blog post or video? Please share in the comments below.

How being a QUEEN can help you be successful

Happy Memorial Day!

I hope you are enjoying your festivities and RELAXING in some way, because the best ideas come on your days off ;)

Speaking of relaxing, I believe when we relax, we harness more of our superpowers as women. It is not within the masculine energy type focus of pushing, doing and producing that will sustain or enliven us, but with the approach of what I call feminine power principles like receiving, playing, surrendering, softening and more. This is the basis of my mission and work to help women leaders in training SHINE into their greatness!!

One way I know that helps women harness their feminine power and cultivate their ideal life is through embodying the archetype the Queen. The Queen is grounded, devoted, gracious and sovereign. She doesn’t demand, control or lay her wrath on the people, but rather lives her life of duty with pleasure and moves gracefully in all her actions and in honor of the highest good of all. She is the authority of her own life and a source of certainty for those around her. 

Can you imagine living from this place? Let's take a quick test run, shall we?? 

What are you focusing on right now in your world? How can you take a more queenly approach to make it even more successful than you imagined? 

If you want some inspiration, I've got two invitations for you that are both absolutely free


First, as I shared with you already, I am a part of the Sexy Soulful Success Summit by my good friend Emily Cassel and TOMORROW is the day for ME to shine and share my wisdom with you. So, I'm reminding you one last chance to register to receive my exclusive one hour video interview with Emily where we talk about harnessing the Queen archetype and aligning our energy for success. There are definitely some good nuggets in there you won't want to miss. Plus, why not take advantage of some massive inspiration from 17 incredible women living their dream life? JOIN US! I know you want to.





The second invitation I want to share with you that I think you will also totally LOVE is my new FREE TRAINING on How to Set Boundaries Like a Queen!

Since I had spend most of my life living as a people pleaser and over-giver, putting others first and dealing with all the frustration of being hurt and resentful all the time, I want to passionately share what has got me through that inner turmoil: boundaries

In the call, I mix this life-changing skill with my most favorite and exciting way to feel empowered, the Queen archetype! I mean, this is going to be SO GOOD! Are you IN!??! 

>> RSVP in the Facebook group

>> or SIGN UP HERE and you'll get all the call in details and recording.

We are coming together this Thursday, June 2nd at 3pm PST / 6pm EST.

Hope you can make it to one or both :)

here are now 3 spots left this spring for private coaching clients that are ready to start creating their ideal life, to re-claim their feminine power and to cultivate balance so they can feel abundant, free, successful and fulfilled! *Apply fo…

here are now 3 spots left this spring for private coaching clients that are ready to start creating their ideal life, to re-claim their feminine power and to cultivate balance so they can feel abundant, free, successful and fulfilled! 

*Apply for private coaching by scheduling an Inspiration Session with me. 

Here's My Secret For Enjoying Mondays

...on overcoming “a case of the Monday’s”. 

Ever wonder why Mondays are most often so yucky? There is an astrological explanation that I would love to share with you that has totally revamped my life experience. You see, every day is ruled by a different planet in our solar system and therefore has a unique energy about it. Fridays and the weekend are not just cool because they are the weekend, they have more of a dynamic and exciting energy around them because of what planets they are connected to. 

Monday’s are ruled by the Moon, which represents our inner most self, our deepest desires, the secret sides to us and our emotions. This is exactly what most of us don’t get to tap into on Mondays, right? Usually we are starting the week off at work with meetings or lots of action and energy (or at least we try). But this goes against the essence of what Mondays offer us. Being around people and especially at the mercy of other people’s needs, exerting lots of energy or being in too much action will naturally deplete us more than usual on Mondays. The moon asks us to be softer, to acknowledge ourselves more, to feel, to be more feminine and to take it easy.

Do you see the disconnect here? I remember feeling such a hatred towards Mondays when I worked in corporate or when I helped my husband with his old company. Still to this day I don’t feel 100% myself if I work on big projects on Mondays. 


When I started a year and a half ago creating my ideal life and business, it included my ideal tasks and themes for each day of the week. Since I am aware of what each day represents, I can predict to a certain extent where my energy will be that day. I used this tool to make big change in my life and part of that was making Mondays MINE.

I have now for the past 3 years started most Mondays with an in-depth connection call with my sister circle. We all share deeply what is real for us, how we feel and how we need to be supported. It is powerful, and of course why I created my own sisterhood program because of how much it changes one’s life. Meditation is always present on Mondays along with intention setting, reading, journaling and perhaps giving myself an oracle card reading. If I work, I like to do admin and connecting on social media. Finally, I try (and don’t always get to) do something creative and for myself at night, like coloring, in-home spa time or simply reading/relaxing. That is my ideal Monday because it carries with it the connection I need to start my week off in a powerful way. It isn’t always this streamlined and flowing, but I know the ingredients of what I need to make my Mondays good, and I can tailor it to fit a timeframe that works for me whether that is 5 minutes or 5 hours. 

Imagine if every Monday was your personal day to do whatever you needed to do, to feel a little more, to be with yourself and start the week off REALLY right, according to what YOU need. How would that shift your weekly experience? 

Well, I am a firm believer in creating your ideal reality NOW, no matter what your circumstance is. This is how you cultivate the life you really want. What would you like to do on Mondays and how can you move towards that by implementing some piece of that now? Even if you think you could never have Mondays all to yourself, you can still take steps to be in this mode no matter what you are doing. 

You could be softer in your approach. You could acknowledge what you are feeling. You could decline extra events. You could be more introverted. You could set boundaries. Maybe you could get creative with your needs or boundaries and make the meetings for Tuesdays instead of Mondays. Anything is possible! But one thing I know that EVERYONE can do is set aside some quiet time for themselves at least once during this day. 

#MagicalMonday mantra: “I honor myself today with quiet time.”    

Ideally, in the morning because that will set the tone for your entire Monday experience. However, putting in some effort to get quiet time throughout the day will also do wonders for your mood. You can take a walk at work, do some breathing in the bathroom, eat lunch alone, take a meditation break in your car or find stillness in the elevator while closing your eyes. Last resort could be a regroup before bed with your journal and some radical honesty. 

One of my big dreams to re-defining Mondays for the masses. I believe it's possible.

I’m telling you, this MOONday business is a thing! Try it out. Create quiet time for yourself today, something more than you normally would on a Monday, and see if that positively affects you. Make sure to give it your all, too. Don’t just do a quickie breath and call it a day. If you only have two minutes, make them count! Drop in, be still, find your truth. 



Then, let me know how it goes!!! Come back in here tomorrow and share your experience.

Sexy Soulful Success

I am so excited to share something really special with you today!

A few months ago, my lovely friend and soul-sister, Emily Cassel, reached out to me to take part in her project, the Sexy Soulful Success Summit, and I was thrilled to say YES to becoming a featured expert!

I’d absolutely LOVE for you to join us, along with a line-up of 17 amazing, radiant, and soulful women on a mission to truly change the world from the inside, out.


If you’ve ever thought your dreams were “too big,” or felt an icky feeling arise when you thought about pursuing them in the way you’ve seen others do it, and have craved a more soulful strategy that feels authentic and enlivening to you, then THIS is exactly what you’ve been waiting for!

This summit is overflowing with so much wisdom, vision, light, and authentic conversations with women who are redefining success on their own terms, living in alignment with their deeper purpose, running world-changing businesses, and doing it all in a way that defies convention and what we typically see or hear about.

Emily has brilliantly curated a sisterhood of women to share their voices who are contributing to the world in a beautiful way by expressing their unique gifts. Their stories will help inspire and teach you how you can do so, too, in a way that feels good to you (instead of the way you think you should be doing it).

I’m so excited for you to meet these 17 powerful and soulful women who are fully embodying their heart-centered missions and living, loving, and leading by devotion + design!

Join us now to gain all the knowledge, wisdom, tools, and insight to help YOU create a liberated and purposeful life of service + contribution.

We will be sharing together in sisterhood to redefine what it means to be a powerful woman in the 21st century and a soulful feminine leader.

Together, we can and will truly change the world from the inside out.

Can’t wait to see you there!

CLAIM YOUR SPOT HERE: www.emilycassel.com/summit

Mastering Awareness So We Can Trust The Process

This week I was bombarded in all directions with the concept and common phrase TRUST THE PROCESS. 

We’ve all most likely heard it before to ensure that everything happens for a reason or to remember we are on our own path. Sometimes I find it annoying to hear because it’s very saturated in my industry. Funny enough, it came in every possible way to remind me, but not in that exact phrase. I love how the universe always knows my process for me to actually get it. 

I had previously worked through some major shifts in my personal life and feelings the week before, leading me to feel very empowered, unstoppable, successful and on point this past week. This was my reminder that only when we fully feel what is real for us can we actually move through to our amazing potential. It was my reminder that my process was perfect. In the heat of the moment, I couldn’t see any point to the depressive thoughts or apathetic behavior. I couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel through the tears. And now, in hindsight, I see the very real process that was perfect for me. And every time, it gets easier and easier, as long as I continue to trust myself and divine timing more and more. It get’s easier because my awareness opens up and that’s what helps me skill up to create my life in a more powerful way in the future. (more on that at the end)

Trust requires us to have faith without knowing the future or seeing something with our eyes. With trust, we feel grounded and intuitively know that the outcome will be perfect for us, even if it is something we didn’t expect or want. When we trust the process, it's because we trust ourselves. We know we are capable to handle anything.

Additionally, our own process will look much different than another person’s process. We are all at different levels of consciousness, energy and vibrations along with such vast differences in experience. Our process is unique to us. 

What I find most often, which was the case with me again, is that we judge our process instead of trusting it. We think we know better, that we shouldn’t be experiencing this right now, that it should be different or better for us, or even get into that negative victim mentality, the whole ‘woe is me’ vibe. 

Who are we to second guess divine timing? Would I take back anything that I have ever done or gone through? No. Hasn’t everything I have experienced, good or bad, made me who I am today? Yes. Did I learn something from everything I have experienced? You bet!

It’s funny that we do this, then, huh? 

To help you with trusting the process more, I want to share the actual process of mastering awareness, in order to see where you are at with your process, to gain a better perspective on what you might be frustrated with and find solace in how you can skill up, yourself.


Here's the process of awareness: 

Phase 1: Unconscious

First, we are living in an unconscious state of confusion. We are not aware of something that we need or the lesson we are moving through. We think things like “why is this happening to me?” “I hate my life” “I don’t know what to do” or “how come I can never make it work?”

We will remain in this phase until we actively seek solutions as to what may be happening. 

Phase 2: Hindsight

Once we gain awareness, we notice something in hindsight. “OH, that’s why this happened” or “Damn, I really see what went wrong there” or “well, that’s why I was feeling this way” or “that situation helped me learn this”.

This is when we actually gain evidence that awareness is always the key, and we learn to look for it more, opening up our general awareness moving forward and using it as a tool for growth.

Phase 3: In the moment

When we look for something more, our awareness sharpens and eventually we will be able to see it smack in the moment when it’s happening. We are able to understand the situation with wise eyes and a neutral feeling. “I am feeling like this right now because of ____”, “we are doing that thing again”, “I see that I am in a state of ___, like last time”.

Basically, we are observing our own life. 

Phase 4: Predicting

Finally, once we master being able to observe ourselves in the moment, we get good enough to be able to predict when certain situations/feelings/confrontation might happen so we can choose to either avoid them or show up to them in a more powerful, authentic way. This is the beginning of co-creation and cultivating the life we really want. 


Cheers to trusting the process,





What was your last frustration or time that you felt really down? (it could be today!) Notice which part of this process you are in and SHARE in the comments below! When you share, you help others to have permission to be themselves more. You help others to feel less alone and have more courage to acknowledge where they are at as well.