Around The Ba'Gua Group Feng Shui Program:
9 Weeks To Energetically Up-Level Every Area of Your Life
Class starts January 20, 2019
DEAR WOMEN, Are you desiring an energetic re-charge? Are you sick of settling with your home or life and want to live a more balanced, exciting and rewarding lifestyle? Looking to make more money, grow your business, have that baby or find the one? Or do you simply want to learn this ancient art to be able to serve your clients better?
There might be something in your home that is blocking these things for you. There might be thought patterns that hold you back from receiving what you want or noticing it's mere presence in your life already. There might even be some energy within yourself or space that is just STUCK.
What if there were simple ways you could add INSTANT meaning and energy flow to your life? Would you want to know?
This 9-week Virtual Group Program centered around Feng Shui called Around the Ba'Gua: 9 Weeks to Energetically Up-Level Every Area of Your Life was created for this exact reason. It's my dream for you to enjoy the balance, flow and abundance that you deserve! I have been passionately performing Feng Shui sessions for over 5 years and it's now time to bring it to the masses in a more structured, affordable and comprehensive way. If you want to learn about Feng Shui and it's time to up-level YOUR life, keep reading.
You can schedule an Inspiration Session with me below to speak with me personally and to find out if this program is right for you
“My experience with Michelle’s program was phenomenal.
I feel like I have an organized and beautiful home. But I wanted a bit more. Boy did I get it! And way more. Now, my home is more SACRED and LOVELY than before!
This course isn’t just about your home, it’s about your life.
Each session was eye opening. I began to see how my space was a reflection of my life. It gave me a whole new reverence for my home, which is saying a lot since I loved my home already.
Michelle has a special technique that is so simple and yet so powerful to re-align your space. This was a huge gift for me to learn!
One of the best parts of the course was how easy it was. I was worried about the time commitment. But it was simple. I didn’t have to revamp my whole house, just begin to put a bit of attention on certain areas of my choosing.
I feel a deeper understanding after the course. I have more of a love affair with my home. I take more care in what I bring into it and how I care for it. And I can see impacts in my life as a result.”
This program is designed to teach women about the ancient art of Feng Shui, sacred space and success through the most meaningful process I know that actually works!
If you are curious about Feng Shui and how to get your home, office or any space you use in tip top energetic shape IN ADDITION to giving yourself a mindset makeover to create lasting results, this is the perfect class for you. It's well-rounded program with a holistic foundation and a lot of soul!
• We will connect in sisterhood, learning and growing together in a way that feels spacious and exciting.
• We will be exploring not only sacred space techniques like Feng Shui but also life skill tools that will allow you to take this knowledge and cultivate sustainable success in whatever area you are looking to improve.
• We will dive into rituals and spiritual practices to connect with your authentic life purpose and divine support, no matter what religion you practice, if any.
Get the training, support and guidance you need to up-level every area of your life! Finally understand how to make your space and life work for YOU! If you're a service provider, learn how you can increase your value by offering this knowledge to your clients.
Explore and learn Feng Shui in a playful way with structured support to keep you accountable and inspired!
What you will learn in this 9 Week Virtual Group Program:
The basics and history of Feng Shui
The energetic components of each of the 9 areas on the Feng Shui Ba'Gua Map: Career/Lifepath, Wisdom/Knowledge, Family/Maintenance, Prosperity/Abundance, Fame/Reputation, Love/Relationships, Health, Creativity/Inspiration and Travel/Spirituality/helpful people.
How to increase your manifesting ability and call in what you really want through simple & powerful techniques
Uncover your energetic discrepancies and implement strategic cures to achieve your desired outcome
How to create sacred space and actually use it
Organizing and design tips & tricks for your most sacred spaces, so you adore your environment at all times
How to do a blessing for your space
How sisterhood can positively transform your life and give you the confidence you have been looking for.
“I learned that everything in Feng Shui is connected to our lives, our spiritual progress, and energies that connect us to everything and everyone. it became more obvious that this ancient practice was deeper and more intensely connected to who we are, our life path, our desires and ambitions, and most importantly; how to focus energies towards what we really want in our lives. Using Feng Shui, I created spaces that actually began to change my life.
This was a total surprise.
Another big surprise was how much everyone in the class supported and helped each other. Now, after taking this class, not only am I more comfortable in my home, but areas of my life are changing for the better. Things that I had been stuck on or that weren’t working in my life have all started to change. More opportunities and luck have come my way and I am taking advantage of them. I am more aware of how practicing Feng Shui impacts my whole life. I can dream, set goals for those dreams, and create what I want for my life using these techniques. I would highly recommend this class!
-Pam, GA”
Program Outline
9 weeks representing 9 areas of life, covering all the bases to enhance your quality of life ASAP.
9 group classes (2 hours long each). We meet virtually so you can attend anywhere in the world. ($250 value)
Group of like-minded participants for accountability, connection & reflection. Groups are sometimes better than one-on-one.
1 sixty-min private Energy Alignment Coaching Session with Michelle to integrate what you need most. ($185 value)
Private Facebook forum for continued support & inspiration in real time (priceless)
Surprise Guest Experts to share their wisdom through training materials & Q&A such as external environmental Feng Shui (landscape), Uncovering your personalized elemental blueprint, inner clearing + inevitably more bonuses, extra time, surprise gifts and special appearances from successful leaders in the industry ($1500+ value)
+ Special BONUSES! ($399 value)
7 Blocks to Being Organized mini e-book ($99 value)
How to Make Your Space Sparkle with Your Personality guidebook ($99 value)
Feng Shui Cheat Sheet with Ba'Gua Map ($9 Value)
Blessing Bundle (How to do a space blessing + 5 of my fav mantra recordings) ($27 value)
Elemental Alchemy Playshop: the Embodiment of Feng Shui ($165 value)
($2,334 total value)
By the end of our 9 weeks together, expect to up-level every area of your life (for real) and/or reach your main goal (or get significantly closer to it). These are REAL LIFE results from past participants. Things like…
Make more money and increase your abundance
Heal and improve your close relationships
Find a significant other or better yet, fall more in love with yourself so you naturally ATTRACT the one.
Begin to radically heal any medical problems, get pregnant or increase your energy!
Jumpstart or grow your business
Position yourself to get the credibility and acknowledgement you deserve in your business or personal life
Create inspiring relationships with other women that will increase creativity, connection and fulfillment on a daily basis.
Know how to prevent blocks and drains of any kind so you will always know how to counteract discrepancies for the rest of your life.
Add a huge dose of meaning to every area of your home so you naturally keep it clean and tidy effortlessly!
I believe what’s going on in our space is going on in our life. Our environment has a huge effect on us whether we believe it or not. There is always messages our home is sending to our subconscious and I will show you how to shift these for your benefit. This class will help you get the clarity you need to effortlessly empower yourself through your self and space. It’s much more than a Feng Shui class, think of this as an energetic makeover! We will be exploring not only Feng Shui secrets, but tools and techniques for authentic goal setting and inspired action. Trust me, I went through this process when I started out myself and I couldn’t believe it at first. It’s amazing how some simple shifts can make an incredible impact.
Lauren Mang of Let Me Organize It shares her experience with the class. Since this video she healed a chronic illness that she was struggling with, set her business and prosperity in motion exponentioally, is now better equipped for helping her clients which adds value to her services and is in more control over what she wants in her house + knows how to make immediate changes when something is off - pure empowerment!
“I recently took Michelle’s 9 week Feng Shui course and it changed my life. She created a course that was easy to fit into my already busy schedule. She designed the course to be a sacred place for everyone to share and be supported which made it so much more powerful. With the course Michelle offers a one on one coaching session. The session was so amazing and I have seen so much growth in my business and started to attract the ideal clients that I have always wanted. I promise if you work with Michelle it will change your life and create clarity about where you are going in your life or business. I will be working with Michelle again to continue the coaching we have already started.”
“When I heard about Michelle’s program “Around the Ba’Gua” I was immediately interested. There were several reasons for this. 1 – I love Feng Shui and working with the energy of my spaces. 2 – I had just moved into a new space and so was beginning the set up. 3 – I love Michelle!! So, I immediately said “yes!” I loved the format of having the weekly group calls as we went through our spaces according to the ba’gua, and it was awesome hearing everyone else’s ideas. We also connected online and shared photos of what we were working on. We each asked questions and got feedback from Michelle and others in the group. I really felt like I got to know the others as we made this journey. And I also transformed my space! That is, of course, the amazing part, though I know it’s a work in progress. But I have a deeper knowledge now of the correspondences of the areas, and how best to leverage the specific energies.”
My Why
In 2008 I was stuck in the biggest rut of my life. I hated every part of it and was utterly broke and depressed. Everything seemed perfect from the outside but I was miserable inside. I was quite desperate for a change and had no clue where to start. Luckily the universe had my back and sent me something at the perfect time.
I heard about a Feng Shui class in a random newsletter. It was interesting, intimate and so apropos since it was called "you can have it all". Since that was the opposite of my life at the time, I signed up and everything changed immediately. I realized how much meaning and joy was missing from my life and keeping me stuck. Not only did my life get better, but I found my true calling, I started making money and getting clients, my marriage took a positive 180 degree turn and my relationships transformed. I owe this transformation to Feng Shui. If it weren't for that class, I wouldn't be where I am today. That one choice to take a chance and go on a journey with strangers changed my world in a way I could never imagine. It opened up so much opportunity that I used to create a new life worth living.
Ever since then, I have wanted to bring the same structure and incredible information to the world, myself, because I know how distressed it can feel when you are stuck and I know what's possible, what's on the other side of a chance.
I am pleased to invite you to my 9-week virtual group program: Around the Ba'Gua: 9 Weeks To Energetically Up-Level Every Area of Your Life. We start in September 2016 and there are only 9 spots available.
This class was inspired by my own learning and process. I ran the first round of ATB in January 2016 and it was a massive success! I am in the process of upgrading the cirriculum to include more Feng Shui magic, more practical resources, more free surprises, more bonuses and an overall more valuable experience!
This is the kind of class I took when I first started out learning about Feng Shui back in 2008. I got certified in Black Hat Tibetan Feng Shui after continuing with more classes for over a year. I love Feng Shui and it really does work, and FAST!
Still not sure? Let's talk! I'm here to support your highest and best decision. If you are feeling something when you read this, I would suggest reaching out and scheduling an Inspiration Session now to explore if this class is a good fit for you. Feel free to also just give me a call at your convenience and I'll call you right back: 650-557-3011.
“Prior to working with Michelle my home was a mess and everything was simply functional. Now, I have a gorgeous space that feels delicious and instead of feeling drained I feel inspiration flowing and as if magic surrounds me daily.
Her best quality as a coach is that she leads from her intuition and she is fully invested in how she shows up for her clients. I felt fully seen by Michelle and loved how she could articulate desires and needs of mine that I hadn’t quite been able to capture on my own. She is truly a magical women that provides nothing less than a powerful and transformative experience.””
“Michelle’s organizing wisdom has changed my life! Her coaching led me to freeing my apartment of all unnecessary clutter (both physical and energetic), and in the process of re-evaluating my décor, furnishings, and household objects, I revolutionized my entire “home” experience.”
What is Feng Shui?
One thing it is not is a religion. You can believe in whatever higher power you want and still utilize in Feng Shui.
My definition is "the cultivation of balance, harmony and flow within a space."
Google's definition is:
[pernounced] /ˈfuNG ˈSHway/
(in Chinese thought) A system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (qi)
Tibetan Black Hat Feng Shui was practiced first over 4000 years ago by monks, and the power of this Feng Shui school is equally as great as the traditional kind. This philosophy ensures there is always a way to help your situation while only using what you have or want and never deals with absolute direction or rules. It was made popular in the west by Grand Master Thomas Lin Yun during the 70s and 80s, due to it's simplicity and accessibility to individuals. My Feng Shui teacher was trained by a student of Lin Yun. This type of Feng Shui uses the Ba'gua, or map, and places it over a blueprint of a space, with your entryway as the anchor.
I am SO excited to bring this class to you AGAIN with a more robust and comprehensive curriculum than the first round. I can't wait to meet the 9 lucky people who will be journeying with me starting in September 2016.
Lots of love,
“Michelle is my go-to for all things organizing or Feng Shui. Beyond her impeccable talent and skills, she’s also very sweet, supportive and positive. I respect her opinion and love her energy. She’s super creative, compassionate, and an excellent listener- she’s the whole package.
She’s helped Feng Shui my last 3 living spaces and next she wants to do my car! I am so grateful to have her a part of my life””