Stephanie - New York
When I said yes to this retreat, I was at place of feeling a bit like an imposter, “Is it really me that gets to do this?” I thought it was for other people . NOW, i am feeling completely settled in and {feel like} “yes! this IS for me! and of course i can do this and experience and deserve a weekend with Michelle in a luxurious place!”
I feel alive, I feel excited, I feel exuberant and ecstatic that I said yes to this weekend. I see myself differently. I’m stepping into the power that I’ve always had, that I didn’t know I had, that Michelle helped me to discover. I’m playing with possibility and stepping into abundance.
As I describe my experience with Michelle, I find myself with a bit of a loss for words. It is something I’ve never really experienced, to have a weekend just for me, being really pampered and cared for and not needing to think about the details has been exceptionally freeing for me. I have very quickly stepped into being pampered and I love the playfulness that we had together… shopping going for lunch, having beautiful meals together, swimming, just really enjoying every minute. i love the balance between rest and relaxation and also stimulation and rejuvenation. I’ve counted on Michelle to hold the container and really go deep, and I haven’t been disappointed. Michelle has created ceremony ritual, self care, and also invitation to share while on her journey as well from her vulnerability and her power. Its been almost beyond words, i’m not sure even how to describe it, and all I know is I want MORE!
-Marjorie, Canada
re: The Power of the Feminine Luxury Retreat
Heartfelt testimonial & letter:
"When I started working with you, I had no idea that my whole life would change."
"I started working with Michelle because I started to see changes in her life, things she was facing or overcoming. I was seeing such blessings and a whole different life for herself. For years, I’ve been a workaholic, working 16-18 hour days everyday, focused 100% of my time on my business, trying to support family, pretty much anything that had to with me or self care/doing anything for myself was put on back burner and left till last, the last thing in day that if I felt like doing anything, I might give myself some time. I was looking for a better balance between work and personal life. Since working with her in sessions for 4 months, I've been able to see a lot about why I’ve lived my life that way. I learned I was a big people pleaser and spent time doing something others wanted me to do. I realized through session that I control the time. I was under impression that time was fixed and I only had so much of it and had so many things I had to get done. I’ve realized this isn’t true, that we control our time, what we do and when I put myself first, then I have so much more energy and spirit and motivation and creativity etc to give to my clients/customers and others who want me to help them. Self care allows my energy to flow and be of more help to others and live a more service life than spending 16-18 hours. I thought I was going to lose clients and people were going to be upset or not going to be able to keep commitments, but what I’ve found is that its quite the opposite. I find it now HARD to not start my day for myself, it physically hurts, I’ve learned that when I do that and take care of me in ritual personally, that I get so much more done."
Dear Michelle,
So many great things have happened and my life has changed so much since we began. I think I have had some big revelations and shifts in these last several months and that so many things became super clear to me that I feel so excited about and ready to move ahead with all of those new revelations in place.
I feel strong and confident and that all of the things that I didn't know how to handle or what to do, that I have been blocked by or things that I was so overcome by since we came to GA, are going to be fine. There are so many things that have not really changed about my life, things in some ways are just as unsure and inconsistent as they have been. However, I feel like that is about to change in a major way. I am not looking at them the same way; I am not focusing on them and I just know that with the change in how I am living, how I am facing things, how I have altered and shifted so much in my mind and understanding that I feel that I know how to make my life different…it is different.
I know we will have our desires, and that we will be taken care of. I don't know what this path is going to lead to, or when it will manifest into our desires. I just know that it will. I feel like we are at a place where everything is possible and there aren't any obstacles in the path - nothing to cling to that would drag us down, nothing to see to push for; there is just opportunity and trust. There is a path ahead that is totally clean and ready to be filled in by the Universe as we move forward.
I thought you could help me put more leisure into my life and work less with more financial results and a better work/life balance. I thought you could help me do some things, isolated things that I thought just needed to be added into my existing life. And today, I look back and see that I didn't need a face lift or a tummy tuck to improve some things, I needed a life lift. I needed to change everything about my life; I needed to see me for what I was, to see where I was misinformed and needed insight, to see things in my life that were blocking my progress and to understand how to see the reality of life and not having it directed by old trainings and untrue beliefs. I feel like we have spent our sessions cleaning out my whole insides (mind and body) and preparing it to move forward with a whole new life not just some additions or changing a few things. I have a whole new mindset, a whole new spiritual relationship, and a whole new approach to how I live my life.
I am excited to move forward with my life and to follow this brand new path the Universe has prepared for me. I am excited to see how things are going to change and just how fulfilling my life can be. Thank you for helping me to get here!!!
-Pam, Georgia
Katie - California
"Michelle has an energy about her that I would call deliciously magical. She is glowing, positive, serene, playful, and uplifting. She has been a huge support for me and the other sisters in our group bringing such insightful wisdom. She holds space for me, celebrates me, and guides me to utilize the feminine principles and energy in whatever is going on in my life and business.
My experience with Michelle's program was phenomenal.
I feel like I have an organized and beautiful home. But I wanted a bit more. Body did I get it! And way more. This course isn't just about your home, it's about your life.
Each session was eye opening. I began to see how my space was a reflection of my life. It gave me a whole new reverence for my home, which is saying a lot since I loved my home already. Michelle has a special technique that is so simple and yet so powerful to re-align your space. This was a huge gift for me to learn!
One of the best parts of the course was how easy it was. I was worried about the time commitment. But it was simple. I didn't have to revamp my whole house, just begin to put a bit of attention on certain areas of my choosing.
I feel a deeper understanding after the course. I have more of a love affair with my home. I take more care in what I bring into it and how I care for it. And I can see impacts in my life as a result."
-Cara, Hawaii
"When I heard about Michelle’s program “Around the Ba’Gua” I was immediately interested. There were several reasons for this. 1 – I love Feng Shui and working with the energy of my spaces. 2 – I had just moved into a new space and so was beginning the set up. 3 – I love Michelle!! So, I immediately said “yes!” I loved the format of having the weekly group calls as we went through our spaces according to the ba’gua, and it was awesome hearing everyone else’s ideas. We also connected online and shared photos of what we were working on. We each asked questions and got feedback from Michelle and others in the group. I really felt like I got to know the others as we made this journey. And I also transformed my space! That is, of course, the amazing part, though I know it’s a work in progress. But I have a deeper knowledge now of the correspondences of the areas, and how best to leverage the specific energies."
-Helen, Georgia
"Michelle's very presence is a unique combination of calming and electric, wise yet fun and playful. She absolutely radiates golden sparkling light and love. You can feel it over a call, but if you are lucky enough to be with her in person, you're in for a real treat. When I finally got to be with Michelle in person at a retreat, I was absolutely smitten. There was no question about it, I had to work with her as my coach. There is just something so nurturing, loving, radiant, serene, and wise, yet fun, playful and magical about Michelle. She is able to see deep patterns in people and their energy that others miss and asks just the right questions for you to realize where you need to step it up and co-create a more fulfilling life which is more aligned with who you are at your essence. Michelle is also the master of reframe and will brilliantly and lovingly challenge you to consider how your thoughts and language are affecting your energy and ultimately your life. I would recommend Michelle as a coach and look forward to continuing my work with her. Our sessions together were so beautiful, powerful and fun life-altering addition to my life."
-Carla, Canada
Alyssa Kuzins - Pennsylvania
Before my session with Michelle I was experiencing fears around money and following my dreams. Through our work together I realized I was ready to create a new path for myself. Michelle gently guided me towards envisioning a future more aligned with my inner self. I was able to truly see the entire perspective and make changes. She has a way of powerfully leading you to uncover your blocks while lovingly listening and hearing what you have to say. I felt completely safe and left with so much knowledge about myself, my stories and how I can shift my patterns. I absolutely recommend her to anyone looking to up level their life and make loving shifts happen. She is pure magic! Since our work together I have felt more deserving and more present to all the abundance in my life. I feel closer to my dreams and most importantly closer to myself! If your considering working with her, it will without a doubt change your life!"
-Orly, California
I wanted to work with Michelle because I was about to make big life changes... One that included moving and I wanted my new space to feel very calm and magical so that I would have a spacious and freeing space to come home to in the midst of all of these changes. I knew immediately that Michelle was who I wanted support from on this journey. She has a vivacious spirit that is contagious and magical.
Prior to working with Michelle my home was a mess and everything was simply functional. Now, I have a gorgeous space that feels delicious and instead of feeling drained I feel inspiration flowing and as if magic surrounds me daily.
There’s just this bright light energy that just comes with her that has so much joy to it and it's contagious, but also with that theres this really grounded and ease to her where you just feel calm but joyful at the same time. It's really beautiful.
Her best quality as a coach is that she leads from her intuition and she is fully invested in how she shows up for her clients. I felt fully seen by Michelle and loved how she could articulate desires and needs of mine that I hadn't quite been able to capture on my own. She is truly a magical women that provides nothing less than a powerful and transformative experience."
-Ava, Virginia
“Michelle’s organizing wisdom has changed my life! Her coaching led me to freeing my apartment of all unnecessary clutter (both physical and energetic), and in the process of re-evaluating my décor, furnishings, and household objects, I revolutionized my entire “home” experience.”
-Kim, Chicago
"Michelle is my go-to for all things organizing or Feng Shui. Beyond her impeccable talent and skills, she’s also very sweet, supportive and positive. I respect her opinion and love her energy. She’s super creative, compassionate, and an excellent listener- she’s the whole package.
She’s helped Feng Shui my last 3 living spaces and next she wants to do my car! I am so grateful to have her a part of my life”
-Ashley Stanfield, Los Angeles