One-on-one Coaching Program  

Transform your life in a way that feels beautiful and effortless.


For the overworked and underplayed trying to find success the hard way. 

You are an ambitious and smart woman…but you just can’t seem to get your ducks in a row. There is never enough time for anything and you are constantly overwhelmed and burnt out by all there is to do.  

If you could just figure out how to get more done, you can become successful, take some time off and then really enjoy your life or do that thing you’ve always wanted to do. 

Or you are searching for that part of yourself that you know is there and you are sick of living by everyone else's standards of living and working.

That was my life and story that I held onto for way too long. I learned about working hard from my very strong and independent single mother who worked in so many different careers over the course of my 20 years at home with her. When I lived with my Dad early in life, he was a traveling salesmen, never home and constantly exhausted. Needless to say, I had a skewed example of work ethic and entrepreneurship. By following my passion of music, I ended up at a big time record label. It was anything but fancy. With corporate office politics and employee drama, I might as well have been working for a paper company. I quit after 4 years and tried to help out my husband with his business while he worked at another record label, but that wasn't a good fit and only left me more unfulfilled and chasing money. My motto was “Work Hard Play Hard” and it was completely impulsive and unfulfilling. I just kept pushing and pushing until I needed more fun facade to fill me up - or so I thought. I eventually got a clue and hired a Life Coach, researched my heart out about health and started learning Feng Shui. This brought me much closer to my dreams than anything ever did.

Once I established my business as a Professional Organizer, I dove right into the busyness trap again, pushing myself to the limits to make a buck and a name for myself. Constantly exhausted and as my party ways finally faded, I would isolate myself with excuses of “rest” that actually meant work and “busy” which actually meant distracting myself with food, happy hours and TV.

Women with big goals and big hearts are told by society to push through, keep it together and suck it up. Eventually you’ll get what you want if you work hard enough.

Can you relate to all of this? What I’ve learned is that this soul-sucking tactic leads to burn out, overwhelm, people pleasing, constant disappointment, isolation, depression, financial depletion and major confusion on your who we are. This is the way we were ingrained to live and have simply taken their word for it, living with debt, toxic relationships or in numbness.

Don’t believe the hype! Situations like this aren’t sustainable.

I wasn’t able to keep up and the painful emotions kept coming back. Eventually, I took a financial hit and had to take a good long look at how I was living as a leader. I was totally misaligned with my mission and message by sacrificing my needs and living in an imbalanced way. Take it from me, it’s not worth it. 

I knew better and I wanted more. I realized what successful people actually did to reach and maintain their abundance. I got really honest with myself and took efficient, massive inspired action towards my real goals (which weren’t even clear in the first place). This all led me to more personal and professional development than I ever thought I would have. It took my whole life for me to understand that It’s NOT powerful to be busy ALL the time. I learned that our bodies have the answer, not society. I learned what it took to creating lasting productivity, efficient time management, genuine relationships and spiritual fulfillment. We all need these things.

What's Possible

What I described in the beginning is the old paradigm of living and I’m on a mission to revolutionize the path to prosperity through feminine power. The trick to this is doing it all backwards: enjoying life, taking time off for rejuvenation and finding success the easy way. Working smarter not harder and prioritizing the rest and play that will sustain lasting growth. 

I believe the feminine essence is the source of our inspiration and magic which creates lasting abundance, naturally.

My philosophy is that when we step into our Electric Feminine, as I call it, we allow our real power to emerge.
We are magnetic and everything we want can come to us as we turn our desires into abundance.
There is a way that includes our soul in the mix so we can feel safe to be seen, grow and truly prosper.
There is a way to experience what we want with complete ease and feel profoundly powerful in every situation. 
There is a way to tap into our real, true identity and align our energy so we can be more productive and in flow. 
There is a way for anyone to have rewarding relationships as well as an inspiring community of like-minded souls that only enhance your life, not fill it with drama. 

There is a way, sister, to make your life amazing. I've done it. My mentors have done it. My sisters have done it. It's ALL possible and you are not alone. Take my hand and let me guide you to your greatness.


How the magic happens


This program isn't just about feminine power and it's definitely not about fighting back 'the man', but it's actually about the bigger concept of energy alignment and how that in and of itself utilizes the magnificence within us to create outward manifestation.

This is a mix of spiritual development + practical techniques and a LOT of fun that provides you with profound power, a deep understanding of your identity and natural motivation towards making big moves.

Since what's going on in your space is going on in your life, part of part of this energy alignment is cultivating an environment that reflects your essence, personality and values back to you consistently. You deserve a gorgeous home that you feel spaciously inclined to maintain and cherish. 

I will help you conquer confusion and emotional clutter, bust through your unique blocks to happiness, re-claim your feminine power, find your flow and actualize your dreams (for real!)

One of my super powers is being able to see integrity holes or what’s blocking someone from abundance and happiness. Since this situation is so close to home for me, I can pinpoint these signs in seconds. I will teach you what it takes to become successful on your own terms while at the same time cultivating more meaning and balance in your everyday life. Another super power of mine  is the ability to connect the dots on your unique genius and what the messages or signals from the divine mean for you.

We will use my Energy Alignment System to streamline this process. I will introduce you to rituals, meditations, exercises and visualizations that will stretch your capabilities so you can step into your power with ease.


Doesn't this sound so juicy!?! Trust me, it is! As of September 2017, I have 4 open spots on my roster for new private coaching clients.



  • We  will play with all aspects about your self and space to identify & implement your powerful possibilities.
  • We will upgrade you to next-level living by merging the magical with the mundane. 
  • We will create a strong plan of action for your future success in a way that is incredibly exciting!
  • We will make your space & schedule sacred, beautiful and enlivening.
  • We will alchemize your life into a mystically abundant playground using practical techniques you can relate to. 
  • We will open up your reality to cultivate an enchanting existence for you!


This is for the committed ladies who have a strong desire to elevate their life experience with bona fide support that will yield lasting results. We will work together to cultivate a lifestyle that is supported by your space, up-level your authentic power as a woman, instill healthy boundaries to leverage your time and kickoff substantial self-supporting habits so you are constantly inspired instead of tired. Expect to activate your full potential, reach your goals and step into a life that is authentically YOU!

Your destiny is waiting for you to develop it. Expedited fulfillment and growth is easiest with consistent one on one mentorship & coaching. This work is truly conscious efficiency for your self, spirit and space. 

Are you ready to activate your full potential in a way that feels beautiful and effortless? 


I will give you everything I've got in a 10 power-packed sessions that will truly change your life. If this sparks your curiosity or excitement, consider this a sign to say YES to yourself in a new way. It would be an honor to work with you.

What You Get

  • Twelve 90 minute 1:1 Energy Alignment Sessions via phone or in-person in San Mateo, CA. (+recordings if by phone) over the course of 6 months. Topics include:
    • Values implementation
    • Live Purpose
    • Boundaries
    • Core Beliefs
    • Manifesting Magic
    • Love Languages + Relationship Know How
    • Feminine Power Principles
    • Organization + Feng Shui 
    • Time Management Mastery
    • Authentic Communication
  • Email + text support to help you in real time, keep you accountable and answer questions as they arise.
  • Customized practical resources like rituals and embodiment exercises for added support based on your needs.


What I Need From You

  • Commitment to your goals by showing up to session prepared + ready.  No excuses and no refunds means it's time to step up your game and show the world what you got. 
  • Keep your heart + mind open. New perspectives, techniques and strategies will likely get you out of your comfort zone. You are safe + respected and never have to do anything you truly do not want to do.
  • Trust that I have your back. Trust the system. Trust the timing. Plus, every tool I use has a major track record of success. 
  • Be willing to be guided and ask for the support you need.

Are you ready to explore if this is a good fit? Click on the button below to schedule a quick Inspiration Session with me. This is where we will get to know each other, discover what is currently blocking you and an action step for you to take immediately, as my gift to you. If we are a good fit, we can get started right away on this journey together!

Sessions are typically through phone or In-person in San Mateo, CA.