Welcome to The Queen of Hearts Group Immersion Retreat invitation. Allow yourself to soak up the words found on this page and feel into if this weekend journey is calling your name. There is magic to be found in simply reading this, and even more profound shifts on the other side if you decide to be all in!



A Queen embraces herself fully with grace, dignity, loyalty and honor through courage, compassion and clarity. A Queen doesn't tell her servants her worries or her subjects her woes. Her shortcomings are held by those who can support her fully and she knows that. She allows herself to be supported from specific experts she trusts; her advisors, team, council and family. Her strength is that of a goddess - wise, discerning, loving and nurturing. Just like a mother, she is mother to many. This knowledge keeps her integrity up so she can be full for her Queendom, so her purity can reign and her authority to be clear.

Passion and purpose are interrelated as a Queen devotes herself to the duty of her truth and throne (mission). Sharp energy is sometimes needed for her glory to thrive so her Queendom does too. There is no dilly-dallying, wasting time or ignoring anything. There are times and places set for her needs: rest, rejuvenation, council, rule, connection, play, grievance, learning, growth, space and expression. Every second is cherished with such luxury. Every mundane ritual is crafted for pleasure even in it's it's smallest form. It's never just her alone, she accepts the support she needs on all levels. Graciously evolving keeps her humble and curious.
No one gets too close without her permission, which means her boundaries are on point and easily respected by her sovereign presence. Her container is always shifting depending on her location, life season and duty. She increases her capacity to receive by how deep she is able to acknowledge (and her receiving level is high!).

Healing happens simply by being around her. The consciousness she demands from herself and others is exciting to live up to. She doesn't play games but rather always has an overarching game-plan that guides her life and decisions based on her wisdom and femininity. Mystery becomes her, but you always know where you stand with her. She has clean energy and a sparkling personality (a sparkle is not a spotlight, it doesn't stay the same exact brightness at all times, but like a star, it twinkles, dims, shines, moves, changes and is never predictable but dances in the moment).

A Queen is magnificent, glorious, poised, confident, regal, powerful, beautiful all over, extraordinary, inspirational, motivational, diverse, magnetic, purposeful and she makes an impact wherever she goes. 

What if that could be YOU?



a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches.

Also known as quintessence, essence, representative, model, embodiment, prototype, stereotype that is within all of us or can be accessed by anyone. 


You are cordially invited to the most unique event of the year, an all-inclusive, sophisticated women's retreat immersion experience! 

This retreat is for women who are all-in, willing, open, curious and READY to ignite an incredible force within them that needs to be awakened, taken care of and supported so they can begin to live, love + lead with heart to truly THRIVE. 


This weekend is ALL about being taken care of on a profound level, because GIRL, you are worth it!

After attending 4 high end immersion retreats and co-leading one group retreat along with leading several private retreats just like this, I KNOW what it takes to become a Queen, to ignite power in women, to reach the potential we each have and to truly shift from feeling not good enough or wrong into feeling confident and free!

Archetypal resonance is what tremendously changed my life 4 years ago as I entered into life coaching and a Queen Initiation program. I learned the power that resided within me, that was dormant for so long. I learned how simply our being as women creates phenomenal healing in us and others. I learned how to live in a way that honored who I am, created massive success and helped others tap into their greatness. This is my mission in life - to guide women to their greatness by way of the Queen essence. 

This retreat has been previously established in private form for special VIP clients, and is now ready to emerge as a group event to have an even more significant impact on the participants. This retreat is calling to those women that are READY to step into their greatness, to learn what it takes to live, love and lead with heart, to finally release all the limiting behavioral patterns that have kept them playing small or hiding and for those that desire a new, more powerful and meaningful way to approach life that will finally allow them to feel liberated from whatever is holding them back! 


If you are constantly wondering how you can get it together, how you are going to "do it all", feeling scattered, second guessing yourself or suspect that there has GOT to be a better way to live and that there is so much more to you than you have been experiencing, then you will absolutely benefit from attending this weekend retreat! 

I work with a lot of women going through life transitions, coming into their own (at any age) and who feel disempowered on any level. I specialize in guiding women through their emotional blocks, stuck circumstances, cluttered schedule, energetic discrepancies and constant worries into a life of authentic, EASY success on their terms. A life that is free where they get to be fully themselves and the magic that happens when they fully accept and embrace who they are. Whether it is a personal or professional shift you are craving, it ALWAYS starts with who you are BEING, not what you are doing, what you have accomplished or what you need to do to prove yourself. 

You never need to prove yourself, darling. You are worthy just as you are.

You are a gorgeous soul that the world is waiting for. You are a QUEEN in your birthright. You have a power within you to heal the world and experience tremendous pleasure while doing so. You do not owe anyone anything. You owe YOURSELF the gift of investing in your becoming. I can guarantee you that any role model or idol you admire invested in their personal growth to get where they are.

If you are resonating with these words then that means you are READY, my dear! 


Is it right for you?

  • If you have already taken classes, courses or programs focusing on helping you grow but you still are craving MORE, then this retreat will almost certainly lock in what you have learned and skyrocket you to your new level of living in sovereign confidence, prosperity and aligned integrity with your true purpose here in this life.
  • An in-person immersion retreat is pure magic. It is what helps you clarify, transmute and integrate what you learn. This is the key to EMBODYING that which you desire or are meant to be. (virtual programs can't compare to this)
  • You are aware that you have to get to the next level but aren't sure how that is gonna happen.
  • You already have plenty of "personal growth" strategies in place or have decided to implement and it still feels a little forced, if not drudging.
  • You care for a lot of people already in your life, be it family or as a profession and need a big break and want a new way to do what you love but also take care of yourself.
  • You might lack the concrete knowing of who you intrinsically are which keeps you from truly showing up in a way that pleases you and makes the impact you desire to make.
  • You are hesitantly curious about what Sisterhood actually means and how it can help YOU.
  • You want MORE from yourself and you know it's possible. Your gut feeling is right on, babe.

What I am offering you at this retreat

  • An opportunity to learn the power of sisterhood and how it contributes to your abundance, life experience and success. 
  • A chance to find out your unique genius, special gifts and personal mission that will guide your life from here on out.
  • An outlook on life that feels expansive and positive even when things get hard; a belief that you can HANDLE it with grace.
  • A solid knowing of who you are are your core and how to operate from your center at all times + how to protect yourself, your mission, beliefs and treasured values. 
  • A way to care for yourself that is deeply nourishing and sustainable which serves your goals, mission AND other people. Radical responsibility for yourself and your future.
  • A firm connection to your inner compass which aligns you into action easily so that you function in a way that feels liberating!
  • Learn how you can be FREE from other's expectations or requests that don't align with your desires or mission.
  • To appreciate and embrace who you are so much so that your everyday experience is infused with your passion, mission and intrinsic make-up + your core desired feelings are embedded in your routine. 
  • To learn how to slow down and really get in touch with what matters most within you so that you can discern when, where and how to move that will always bring you to a place that feels right.
  • To release perfectionism, people pleasing and obligatory behavior. 
  • To establish a somatic connection with yourself everyday (the connection between thought, emotion and body).
  • To have a structure that you can lean on as you begin to navigate your new awareness, life and actions which will act as a soulful anchor into your new emerging self, no matter what life looks like.


During this retreat, you will experience connection, spacious quiet contemplation, mindfulness strategies, sisterhood, healing, expansive up-leveling techniques, heart-opening rituals, bodywork, movement, stillness, activation, moon magic, release and above all: a safe place to just BE. When in the world do we ever get that chance?

It's time

This is ALL-INCLUSIVE retreat which means you pay for nothing while you are here. Your accommodations, food, drink, training and experience at a phenomenal retreat center with endless amenities is YOURS for the entire weekend for one affordable investment. 


Friday, March 10th

Arrive Friday and enjoy the gorgeous scenic setting to start your weekend off in a grounded and nourishing place.

After getting acquainted we will get comfortable in our accommodations, spending some time alone and tapping into our desires. 

Join your fellow sisters in the pool/hot tub or in the Labirinth to start to deepen into your intentions and body. Release the hectic travel time or real world through instant relaxation. 

Enjoy an intention setting, connection ceremony and women's circle that starts off the energy of the weekend. 

Dinner with all your sisters and then quiet contemplation + journaling before getting LOTS of rest. 


Saturday March 11th

Enjoy your morning sleeping in or exploring the property and amenities before breakfast with your sisters

Sacred Circle session starts right after breakfast to begin the magic and training of becoming a Queen of Hearts!

Bodywork is scheduled for each woman throughout the days.

Lunch with your sisters in a gorgeous setting with gourmet, healthy food.

Session two is all about elemental alchemy and movement, inside and outside.

A spacious break before dinner with your sisters under the stars


Sunday March 12th

Spacious contemplation time, sisterhood connection and integration

Heart Math (TM) workshop with Elisheva Herrera

Final integration circle which ends with drumming + dance

Celebration dinner 

Full Moon ceremony + Fireside chat to close out the retreat


Monday, March 13th

Spacious morning + depart by 11am

• DATE: March 10-13 (Arrive Friday afternoon, depart Monday at 11am)

• ALL-INCLUSIVE: all food & beverage, luxury accommodations, sacred women’s circle, Heart Math session, massage, ceremony and surprise gifts!

• SPACE: plenty of free time, breaks and introspection allowing room for integration and supreme relaxation.

• LEARNING: Sacred Sister Circles every day with ancient feminine power principles, connection exercises + more. Heart Math session with special guest teacher.

LOCATION: Stillpath Retreat Center in Woodside, CA



To fully thrive in our sovereignty as a woman, we need deep introspection, meaningful connections, luxurious environments, inspiring self development, sacred space to feel safe, high quality support and spaciousness to integrate. 


Only when we immerse ourselves in what we desire most will things start to shift for the better. This is an all-inclusive luxury immersion retreat for the woman who desires to live, love and lead as a Queen.

  • We need real rejuvenation. 
  • We need to feel electric at the same time as relaxed.
  • We need to feel powerful at the same time as feminine.
  • We need to feel luxuriously free. 


READY to accept the invitation of the year?

UPGRADE to the VIP Queens Journey Experience (Retreat, VIP Day + 6 months of private coaching)