Welcome, Lovely!
I am so glad you're here and joining the Self Care Sisterhood!!!!
Many congrats on taking the leap into this incredible journey back home to YOU. This is a part of your soul's calling that you may or may not understand yet. The simple act and exploration of self care will begin to open up your world so big, that your entire being will be vibrating, magnetizing and manifesting like magic! Awww, yea.
Here's the structure that you will be able to rest and relax into:
- Weekly sister circles with your sisters to connect, engage, receive support and stay accountable. I will lead your first circle so you know how it goes, and join you monthly thereafter.
- Weekly theme focus and audio recordings from me for easy self care maintenance and growth.
- Monthly coaching calls with me to integrate and actually transform your life (3)
- Monthly feminine and goddess archetype audios to embody (3)
- Private Facebook Group for support in real time.
- Major themes and focus topics include:
- Organizing & Feng Shui techniques to create sacred space that supports your becoming.
- Time management mastery
- Values implementation
- Boundaries
- Moon circles
- Elemental alchemy audio workshop
- Special surprise gift in the mail
- Dancing, connection, freedom, support and divine guidance.
My intention is that our 13 weeks together will be an enjoyable container to explore yourself more, to deepen into the practice of self care and your divine birthright. My intention is that all of you will inevitably become friends by diving into this sisterhood and supporting each other like you never have supported friends before or experienced support before. My intention is for you to understand what sisterhood means by the end of it, for you to understand how powerful self care is and be IN the habit daily, as well as for you to tap into the more secretive sides of yourself and your spirituality that may be elusive right now. My intention is of course for you to start manifesting a major quality of life shift that includes more money, meaning and magic in your everyday life. My intention for you is that stress and worry start to leave your life, with you feeling confident about keeping those feelings at bay. My biggest desire and intention for you is to uncover the real magic, the powerful feminine being within you that wants to be awakened, that your sisters will most definitely help you see.
What's yours?!? Please send me an email to share your intention for the class. You WILL have the experience you set for yourself. How will you like to feel during our 13 weeks together? How will you show up? What will you contribute to the group? What do you want to experience? How would you best like to receive support?
It will also help to do a celebration, as you are taking a big step in claiming the life you really want!
More info to come!! Stay tuned, my sweets :)