Are you honoring your season of life?

I'm back!

February sparked an incredibly intense beginning of transformation for me and I needed to pull back these past few months. After a month of powerful leadership, I retreated to Ireland which unexpectedly brought me an extraordinary amount of change & inspiration. It literally shifted me on a soul level. I relate to people with more of a pure energy now, I have a deeper connection to mother earth, I found more of my own magic that resides within me and I started a new chapter of sensual exploration & freedom. Life has evolved, expanded and blossomed for me. 

What is the season of life you are in?
Massive growth?
Major life transition?
Needing to pull back?
Lost and confused?

It's important to take the time to fully BE where you are. You'll NEVER be here again. Taking advantage of life offers us the perspective to be present with what is, to allow ourselves to integrate and evolve in our own way, our own time and in our own process. I believe this was important to share with you today, no matter what season of life you're in. 

These past few months for me have given me much introspection and practice with processing. It's allowed me to fully understand more of who I am, where I want to go and what I'm capable of. I had to really honor where I was at. Here's how that looked:

I had to step back from the regular routine, from producing content and being professionally active.
I had to slow down, surrender and ask for (a LOT) of help. 
I had to take a big inventory of my personal values & life situation.
I had to ride the wave of integration which could look unfavorable from the outside.
I had to let go of my natural ambition to keep doing doing doing and put more emphasis on being.
I had to really learn how to be comfy with being uncomfortable, and still am.
I had to learn to be more intimate, present, responsible and authentic than ever.

All of this was extremely hard for me because it took me away from my "year plan", my actions that I've been taught how to take and the socially acceptable way of living....but I had to do me. It lit some fires, it caused some drama but eventually, it all brought me back to the real me. There have been plenty of ups and downs, which have all contributed to the highest good for all, weaving a dream in me that wasn't really clear until now. That's the other message I needed you to know...

Trust the process, it will reveal it's importance later.

Our human minds like to get ahead of ourselves, but our intuition and energy body is what holds our highest truth. As your Inspiration Muse, I'm here to remind you that true happiness, success & fulfillment are created from honoring our deepest desires in each moment. They will be met if they are honored, meaning when you acknowledge that you WANT what you want and that you DESERVE IT. When it is unclear why something is happening, rest assured that there is magic at hand, weaving your dream together in ways you can't yet fathom. Hold strong to sacred boundaries that protect your inner most desires and let the magic unfold. Easier said than done, but for now, know...

You are supported. Allow yourself to receive. 


If you feel like you need some major support in creating your future, understanding your power and finding your unique skill set that brings you to a revolutionary new paradigm of productivity & happiness, I would love to help you.

I have only 5 new spots on my private coaching roster that have recently become available for women that are READY to step into their greatness. You can explore this opportunity by booking a complimentary 45 min Inspiration Session with me at the link below.


To endless inspiration,