When was the last time you...

Happy Magical Monday sweets!


Let’s jump into a little reflection today…

When was the last you were truly seen for who you are? 

I mean really seen. Deeply honored and witnessed in your raw, real, authentic self through your expression and simple being. Have you ever experienced that? 

When was the last time you were given the spotlight to share what’s real for you, while other women actively listened and held space for your truth to emerge? 

When was the last time you experienced a wild synchronicity, a radical blessing, a welcomed clarity moment or a meaningful surprise that could only come from something greater than yourself? 

Sister, when was the last time, or was there ever a time, that you felt completely strong, fulfilled and balanced because of your daily committed routines focused on taking care of your mind, body and soul? 


Are you familiar with any of these realities? If not, what if I told you I could provide these things for you? Would you be interested? 

From these places mentioned above, we as women are able to THRIVE. We are able to access our power, our creativity, our unique gifts, the resources we need, new ideas, more energy and endless inspiration to create the life that we so badly want - the life we were destined for. I can say this confidently because I have created this myself. Not only that, but I have witnessed countless other sisters and mentors create this as well. 

What you focus on is what you will experience. Most of the time, as was the case for me back in the day, we focus on what went wrong, what could go wrong or what we didn’t like. We focus on what we didn’t get, what bothers us or complain about our annoyances. We sometimes hold ourselves back because there is simply not enough evidence of possibility and success in our world, so we stay stuck, lonely, isolated and depressed, or any form of these. We sometimes forget how amazing we are, so we stop trying. We sometimes feel we aren’t good enough, so we don’t take action. We sometimes put others first, so we don’t have to deal with confrontation. We sometimes act out or sabotage our own lives in order to feel the comfort of what we feel safe in that is not really serving us at all.  We can get caught up in drama, in lethargic routines, in the busyness trap or in complete denial. All of this perpetuates the reality that isn’t ideal. The reality that our life kinda sucks, that we always have to work hard to get what we want and only good things come to those who wait. 

I would like to offer you a new paradigm of living, darling. 

What about shifting your focus to your desires every single day, with the support of your divine messengers guiding your every move and cultivating your destiny effortlessly. Or focusing on the magical elements of your own body, your unique zone of genius and expression in order to amplify your daily experience, confidence and power. Even being able to see the positive side to all seemingly challenging situations, giving you the upper hand to harness the resources that are available and move through it with grace. 

The new paradigm of living abundantly, of feeling connected, powerful, well resourced, supported and safe is at your fingertipsHow much longer will you tolerate the shortcomings of your destiny? How much longer will you stay isolated and stuck in the same never-ending rut? How much longer will you deny your own magnificence?

There is something BETTER waiting for you, love. If you are reading this, I know you know this to be true. Even if you are successful, as deemed by society today, there is something more that is calling to you. There is a better reality that will feel more YOU, more relaxed, easier and more FUN. There is divine potential that is ingrained in your being, an awakening of the divine feminine within you. 

I’m not kidding you. This is real life and it can be yours too. I believe sisterhood heals, magic transforms and there is increased power when women come together for the same purpose. I believe caring for ourselves first will open up our world to even greater things than we can even imagine. I believe there are angels and spirit guides surrounding all of us, waiting for us to acknowledge their presence and harness their help so we can grow exponentially in this lifetime. I believe in the magnitude of consistency, community and connection. What we focus on is what we will experience.

So, I am offering you, a woman worthy of whatever she wants, the opportunity to join a sisterhood program for the purpose of increasing your quality of life, deepening into self care, exploring divine archetypes and expanding your heart with the support of an intimate community. Can you imagine what possibilities are on the other side of this? 

The program is 13 weeks and is called the Self Care Sisterhood. I am offering this because I have been immersed in this myself for the past 3 years. I know what transformation can occur when we drop our guard and let love in. This program focus is the cornerstone of prosperity, in my opinion. It is only because of the radical transformation that I have experienced that I can confidently provide this level of support and the solid container for other women to transform into their next level of living. 

I can provide you with structure to:

  • focus on and practice self care each week that will enable you to take baby steps towards your becoming and blossoming, so nothing is overwhelming.
  • learn about the healing power of archetypes and goddesses in order to access ancient parts of yourself that may be dormant.
  • re-connect to yourself and your space for the purpose of increasing your abundance capacity and quality of life.
  • deepen into sisterhood, to be seen, heard and learn the flow of giving and receiving that is our birthright.
  • grow and move through your blocks through powerful tools and techniques used in our group coaching calls.
  • explore and embody the physical elements in a unique and fun dance playshop that you can have the space to do on your own.

Is this what you desire? Please visit the Self Care Sisterhood website to claim your spot NOW, as we start on March 20th at 9:00am PST/ 12:00pm EST.

The magic awaits. Will you take my hand? 


Curious about the program and if it's a right fit for you? Schedule a complimentary one-on-one Inspiration Session with me below

Monthly Moon Magic with Michelle


This is a curated sisterhood of like-minded, spiritually sassy, successful and ambitious women who desire to increase their manifesting ability, participate in magic rituals, experience deep healing through a powerful community and receive laser coaching for their life's most pressing challenges. 


It has been a dream of mine to create an inner circle like this for years! Finally, there is sacred space for all of us to enter a into with the same mindset, goals and values that connect us on a deeper level. My intention is that this is an active and exciting forum for women to expand their abundance and enjoy playful exploration of the magic we are always surrounded by.  May this safe space be your conduit for continued success, joy, connection, meaning and growth.

Sisterhood heals.

Magic transforms.

There is increased power when 2 or more are gathered for a specific purpose. 



  • In this space, I will be virtually leading women's circle, magic moon rituals, live Q&A, transformative workshops and dance parties!
  • Every monthly call will have a different theme or topic while honoring the new moon phase and provide you with powerful ways to manifest your dreams.
  • Private Facebook forum to connect consistently, go deeper, share resources, celebrate and receive/ask for additional support.
  • All calls will be via conference line and will be recorded for your added benefit. These recordings act as a time capsule and auditory journal for you to reference, re-live and revel in the magic created by all of us during once in a lifetime astrological occurrences - SO priceless!
  • During the inaugural phase of October - December 2015, I will invite complimentary access to this potent portal of potential. This in intended for all of us to get our bearings, find the flow that works best, deepen into our own strengths together and experience the power of magical ritual that I'm so passionate about. I believe in the power of sisterhood, so I am desiring to cultivate this experience for as many women that need this healing as possible. In order to spread the word about the magic, this container needs to be freely open for a short period of time so the vortex of possibility can swirl and alchemize many lives. Please take full advantage of this opportunity now while it is available :)
  • I ask that the energy exchange be in how you help me spread the word through your testimony, email forwarding, social sharing and word of mouth. 

Starting January 2016, an affordable energy exchange investment will begin for women who desire to continue this magical monthly experience with the the group and myself. Access to this circle will always be included when you work with me one on one.

>>>TAKE ACTION: Sign up to be a part of the sisterhood here:  http://eepurl.com/bj9zsL

Check out both the New Moon Manifesting Ritual and Full Moon Renewal Ceremony to see how we do things here <3

Thanks you darlings, and I can't wait for our time together!!!!!

You are ready to step into your greatness.


The Power of Silence

Few times in life do women actually get total approval for being any way we want to be. Where anything goes and we get a “free pass” if you will. I think of being pregnant, being an infant or young child and those with medical issues. There is total acceptance of whatever we want to say or do during those times and all guards are down. We feel taken care of with compassion and are completely free to be our true selves (no matter how unattractive, crazy or emotional we get). Nothing we do is “too much”, people adjust around us and we are seen with pure eyes. Isn’t that interesting? 

I had simply accepted this as a fact until recently. Two weeks ago I attended a spiritual feminine luxury retreat with 9 other women in Palm Springs. We were to have no technology, dive into ancient feminine teachings, conduct sacred sister circles and be initiated as a “Queen”. Archetypes like the Queen or Warrior are a huge part of spirituality. They hold the role to play when seeking to embody truth and power. Little did I know, though, that this was a half-silent retreat. That meant every night after circle we would go into silence until lunchtime the next day. 

For someone who has never done anything like this before, I was scared and shocked, which is an understatement. How were we to communicate? How will we pass the time? We were sharing rooms and bathrooms, how was this going to work? I had to put full faith in my mentor and myself to trust the process, which I have been working on in my life lately anyway. This was a powerful opportunity to put this trust into action. It was time for me to step up my spiritual game and accept whatever came up. 

As with any first time, it was a little awkward. I wanted to connect with the lovely women around me! I wanted to ask questions and laugh! I wanted to talk about what we just learned. When I was left to myself, in the actual presence of the other women, I didn’t know how to handle my emotions or feelings. I felt the energies of everyone, but was forced to be with only mine. What I realized was that I had been denying myself for so long. 

Part of being a Queen is honoring her own time, space and body. She doesn’t seek attention, acknowledgement and social activities when there are decisions to be made or deep learning to understand. She knows what she needs and never has to explain herself. She knows she holds the power for change in herself and her Queendom. With great power comes great responsibility. She sets strong, healthy boundaries.

That silence was a boundary to protect our process of everything we had just learned and felt. It kept us incredibly present and created space for the information or whatever feeling that came up to ‘land’. It allowed us to be in our bodies, not in our heads, to embody our truth we intrinsically are as women. It was permission to feel and be any way we wanted to. There was no judgement and no criticism from ourselves or the others. There was only love, acceptance, compassion and freedom. This is where we, as women, are safe to shine. 

Instead of succumbing to the belief that we only get a few chances to be completely free and authentic, I now understand that once we sit with who we are without distractions, we find our safety. In that safety, we have freedom. It is when we let our minds or outside circumstances take control that the perception of safety is absent and we aren’t able to claim our power. Our power is in our being and our body, not our doing or intellect.

When women feel safe, anything is possible. When we create our own safety through silence and space, we allow our full self to completely emerge. Our unique power is ignited and people around us will adjust to it. Just like a pregnant woman, baby or ill patient, everyone else will see us with pure eyes and compassion. They will either accept our power and be led by it or be repelled and go the other direction. Our needs are served when they are felt and honored by ourselves first. (TWEET THAT)

With that gift of silence, we were all able to see ourselves easier, to let things truly sink in and understand what it means to have power as a woman. All the logistic awkwardness worked out, too. You can still communicate in silence. Who knew?  ;)

Technology such as phones, Facebook, TV, music or apps as well as engagement with others can be a distraction from what we really need to thrive, and inevitably keep us stuck. There is a time and place for it - I’m not suggesting to go all hard-core no technology. However, l invite you to give yourself enough space and time to discern when healing and processing need to be honored. You can have this whenever you need. Trust the process. 

This concept has changed my life. I believe it has to experienced before one can fully understand it. I’ve heard about going off the grid my entire life, but not until 32 years in did I accept the challenge. Oh, and Sacred Sisterhood helped.


Have you experienced going off-the-grid? If so, I’d love to hear all about it in the comments! If not, how and when can you create some off-the-grid silence in your life? 


Silent hugs,