When was the last time you...

Happy Magical Monday sweets!


Let’s jump into a little reflection today…

When was the last you were truly seen for who you are? 

I mean really seen. Deeply honored and witnessed in your raw, real, authentic self through your expression and simple being. Have you ever experienced that? 

When was the last time you were given the spotlight to share what’s real for you, while other women actively listened and held space for your truth to emerge? 

When was the last time you experienced a wild synchronicity, a radical blessing, a welcomed clarity moment or a meaningful surprise that could only come from something greater than yourself? 

Sister, when was the last time, or was there ever a time, that you felt completely strong, fulfilled and balanced because of your daily committed routines focused on taking care of your mind, body and soul? 


Are you familiar with any of these realities? If not, what if I told you I could provide these things for you? Would you be interested? 

From these places mentioned above, we as women are able to THRIVE. We are able to access our power, our creativity, our unique gifts, the resources we need, new ideas, more energy and endless inspiration to create the life that we so badly want - the life we were destined for. I can say this confidently because I have created this myself. Not only that, but I have witnessed countless other sisters and mentors create this as well. 

What you focus on is what you will experience. Most of the time, as was the case for me back in the day, we focus on what went wrong, what could go wrong or what we didn’t like. We focus on what we didn’t get, what bothers us or complain about our annoyances. We sometimes hold ourselves back because there is simply not enough evidence of possibility and success in our world, so we stay stuck, lonely, isolated and depressed, or any form of these. We sometimes forget how amazing we are, so we stop trying. We sometimes feel we aren’t good enough, so we don’t take action. We sometimes put others first, so we don’t have to deal with confrontation. We sometimes act out or sabotage our own lives in order to feel the comfort of what we feel safe in that is not really serving us at all.  We can get caught up in drama, in lethargic routines, in the busyness trap or in complete denial. All of this perpetuates the reality that isn’t ideal. The reality that our life kinda sucks, that we always have to work hard to get what we want and only good things come to those who wait. 

I would like to offer you a new paradigm of living, darling. 

What about shifting your focus to your desires every single day, with the support of your divine messengers guiding your every move and cultivating your destiny effortlessly. Or focusing on the magical elements of your own body, your unique zone of genius and expression in order to amplify your daily experience, confidence and power. Even being able to see the positive side to all seemingly challenging situations, giving you the upper hand to harness the resources that are available and move through it with grace. 

The new paradigm of living abundantly, of feeling connected, powerful, well resourced, supported and safe is at your fingertipsHow much longer will you tolerate the shortcomings of your destiny? How much longer will you stay isolated and stuck in the same never-ending rut? How much longer will you deny your own magnificence?

There is something BETTER waiting for you, love. If you are reading this, I know you know this to be true. Even if you are successful, as deemed by society today, there is something more that is calling to you. There is a better reality that will feel more YOU, more relaxed, easier and more FUN. There is divine potential that is ingrained in your being, an awakening of the divine feminine within you. 

I’m not kidding you. This is real life and it can be yours too. I believe sisterhood heals, magic transforms and there is increased power when women come together for the same purpose. I believe caring for ourselves first will open up our world to even greater things than we can even imagine. I believe there are angels and spirit guides surrounding all of us, waiting for us to acknowledge their presence and harness their help so we can grow exponentially in this lifetime. I believe in the magnitude of consistency, community and connection. What we focus on is what we will experience.

So, I am offering you, a woman worthy of whatever she wants, the opportunity to join a sisterhood program for the purpose of increasing your quality of life, deepening into self care, exploring divine archetypes and expanding your heart with the support of an intimate community. Can you imagine what possibilities are on the other side of this? 

The program is 13 weeks and is called the Self Care Sisterhood. I am offering this because I have been immersed in this myself for the past 3 years. I know what transformation can occur when we drop our guard and let love in. This program focus is the cornerstone of prosperity, in my opinion. It is only because of the radical transformation that I have experienced that I can confidently provide this level of support and the solid container for other women to transform into their next level of living. 

I can provide you with structure to:

  • focus on and practice self care each week that will enable you to take baby steps towards your becoming and blossoming, so nothing is overwhelming.
  • learn about the healing power of archetypes and goddesses in order to access ancient parts of yourself that may be dormant.
  • re-connect to yourself and your space for the purpose of increasing your abundance capacity and quality of life.
  • deepen into sisterhood, to be seen, heard and learn the flow of giving and receiving that is our birthright.
  • grow and move through your blocks through powerful tools and techniques used in our group coaching calls.
  • explore and embody the physical elements in a unique and fun dance playshop that you can have the space to do on your own.

Is this what you desire? Please visit the Self Care Sisterhood website to claim your spot NOW, as we start on March 20th at 9:00am PST/ 12:00pm EST.

The magic awaits. Will you take my hand? 


Curious about the program and if it's a right fit for you? Schedule a complimentary one-on-one Inspiration Session with me below

Officially Coming Out of the Woo-Woo Closet


Turns out, I’ve been hiding something for a long time. I am ready to come out of a dark, confining closet because I want you to know that you don't have to stay there either, whatever kind of closet that is for you.



There have been a lot of transformative changes in my life happening very quickly.  I have taken on a larger role in the world and I’m ready to share more details of my story and what’s been emerging for me this past year, to catch you up to speed on how my life and career are shifting. I trust those who are reading this will enjoy it and get something out of it.

Most of you know that I’ve been a Professional Organizer and Feng Shui Consultant for years. What you may not know is that I’ve also been training to become a certified Life Coach for the past year while simultaneously expanding my spiritual practice through mentorship, sisterhood and personal development retreats. Not only that but I’m now involved in Priestess training for the next 8 months. It’s high vibe over here! If you don’t have a clue about what I just said, read on…

It’s been so much fun as an Organizer, working hard, getin’ dirty in garages, setting up systems, building a team, collaborating and changing women’s relationships with their home. It was a lovely step up from my personal and executive assisting days. I still love in-person organizing, especially on larger projects that incorporate a team, coaching and Feng Shui in the mix. That’s where I can really shine in this work. My capability to manage, maintain order and create the most comforting environment is top notch. It’s second nature to me. I can easily recognize what’s missing, what you need and why you need it - all while having a lot of fun. I know that you can’t enjoy life to it’s fullest if you aren’t enjoying your space. My strengths here are best suited for those who want premium support to totally transform their life and space. 


Then this happened…

What I found was that organizing wasn’t fulfilling enough for me. I didn’t become an entrepreneur to just make money, I started my own biz to have more meaning and fulfillment while making money. Even though I love what I do, I was still yearning for more meaning in my own life and work. I knew there was more to maintaining organization, but I didn’t have the know how to really work with that. I realized that my most favorite jobs were those where we got to dig into conversation about what was going on in their life and connect that with their space. I looked back on my own history with life coaching and Feng Shui training that held so much connection to what I was already doing. After spontaneously attending an online webinar, I found my own mentor and discovered that Life Coaching and Mentoring was calling my soul. 

Anyone can become a certified life coach in a weekend, but that’s not my style. I always like to take an all-encompassing approach (hence, the way I work as an Organizer), because I know that’s how we learn and maintain best. This is why I shelled out the investment and 12 months of my life into myself and my future to study with a master Life Coach, a Polarity Mentor and in sacred sisterhood. I was able to step up my game as a leader. I learned the art of receiving, how small changes create big results, what consistency does for our soul and how to step out into a thought-leader role authentically. There was enough time to dive in fully to conversation models and feminine business practices while also practicing as I’m working. It’s called Mentor Masterclass with Jeannine Yoder. There’s a waiting list well into 2016, so my timing was divine to say the least. Now, I’m able to give back as a Sister Guide to the current students while learning even more about running a successful coaching business behind the scenes.


Deep down…

Beyond my expression as a professional, I am a very spiritual person and always have been. I grew up in the Church, have always had a strong intuition or psychic sense and truly believe in the cosmic powers of our universe. I infuse spirituality in my work where most people won’t even recognize it. In fact, every part of my career has spiritual elements intermixed. 

This is the piece of me that I’ve been trying to cover up. I have been scared to be the full, spiritual being I know I am. Why? Because I didn't think people could handle it. Because I thought people would no longer think I was professional and write me off as one of though woo-woo-weirdos. I was devoted to a mainstream approach because it felt safe, and I was good at it.

I would never intentionally withhold anything, if asked, and yet, fundamentally, I have struggled with the belief that "I'm not good enough" or that I'll be poor if I choose to follow my whole dream and express my whole self in my work.

Here's the irony. I became spiritually and emotionally poor because I wasn't marketing, teaching and training to my full potential. I was not honoring ALL of me. Can you relate to this? Does this sound familiar? 

When we live out of fear, we diminish our creativity, play small and constantly compare ourselves to others.

When we step into our full potential, our inner light shines brighter and lights the way for us to easily find success. (TWEET THAT!)


To clarify…

When I talk about spirituality, I don’t mean religion at all. I’m talking about connecting with our higher selves, the universal laws and receiving guidance from helpers of any kind. This is the holistic way of life - utilizing our whole selves or having an all-encompassing approach as I mentioned before. Spirituality is for anyone and most people are more spiritual than they think. 

Here’s a common definition I found:

"Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives. In general, it includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, and it typically involves a search for meaning in life. As such, it is a universal human experience—something that touches us all."

And that is what I am all about: connecting to our own truth and adding more meaning and enjoyment into our human experience through our environment closest to us (head, heart & home).



What I realized this year on my spiritual journey is this:
That I am here to inspire others to find freedom through courageous authenticity and connection. To lead as a Sacred Feminine teacher and healer that allows others to find their own truth. To bring joy and laughter, holding space for the emotional growth and expansion of women. To offer a unique approach to achievement through practical, emotional and spiritual self-expression. To create more ease, fun, balance, movement and meaning through the “dance” of energies so we can all unite and experience monumental upward shifts in the quality of life on this planet. 

It’s a mouthful, I know. I can’t disguise this side of me any longer, though. This is how my best work is done. When I include these gifts and strengths of mine into my business, so much more is possible for my clients and myself!

DO this through emotional & psychological development techniques like Coaching (HEAD: figuring out how to move forward), energetic techniques like Feng Shui (HEART: calling in what you want) and physical techniques like organizing (HOME: structure + design for ease + enjoyment). 

Ahh, it all comes together as my next level of service to the world, and it feels good! 


So, that’s why I am a Magical Maven for your head, heart and home. I’m a Mystic Mentor and SOULpreneur. I am a writer, speaker, coach and believer of everyday magic.


The right fit…

My desire is to work with women secretly trapped in perfectionism and are fed up with the chaos. I help them to stop pushing themselves so hard, work smarter not harder by creating a feminine foundation of success in their head, heart & home. I guide them to greatness through a spiritual + practical approach to magnifying their meaning and getting organized. My biggest desire is to help women see the magic in themselves and therefore reach their highest potential. 

Know anyone like this? I would love for you to share this post.


Thanks for reading. My wish for you, dear reader, is that a light has lit up inside of you. That clarity has come and your readiness is recognized. Are you hiding anything that is keeping you from your own greatness?  I welcome any responses. Email me privately or post a comment below what you would like to declare!


Lots of love,  









PS ~ want a Life Purpose statement like that? Schedule an Inspiration Session and we will work it out!